Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Indiana Jones background

Hello -

I've just posted a song titled Indiana Jones. For the record I have not seen any of the movies in their entirety, but back to the song. It is meant to be a Dylan-esque folk song where I describe some real items and some fictional items. (For the record the chorus is purely fictional same with the events leading up to it, however the first stanza and the third-to-last stanza is real.) I will highlight these parts if I can:

Indiana Jones
I ain’t got no woman baby,
and I ain’t got the time.
Ain’t got the desire either
but that ain’t no crime.

But every night I go to sleep
I dream of all these women with me,
and it’s such a crazy thing
‘cause most of the time I can’t see.

One night I had this crazy dream
where I was transported to this oasis scene.
Everything about it was so serene
so I decided to spend some time.

When out of nowhere came this beautiful lady.
The most beautiful lady I’ve ever seen.
At first I thought my vision was kinda hazy
but she was equally serene.

Then she came up to me,
asked me to be her man.
I didn’t know how to respond.
I just f-r-o-z-e.

And I asked her:
“Who’s your Mister baby?”
She said: “Indiana Jones.”
Maybe I heard wrong or I was goin’ crazy.

“So are you gonna be my man?”
“Well honey, we’ll see if I can.”
Then I realized what I’d just done
I realized I had won.

I stole my woman from Indiana Jones. (Hey!)
I stole my woman from Indiana Jones.
I stole my woman from Indiana Jones. (Hey!)
I stole my woman from Indiana Jones.

Now, the first part may be a lie,                
but until day is nigh                                     
I won’t have no woman.
I won’t have no woman.

But I’ve still got that crazy dream.
The one with the serene scene.
The one with the greatest act.
As a matter of fact;

I stole my woman from Indiana Jones. (Hey!)
I stole my woman from Indiana Jones.
I stole my woman from Indiana Jones. (Hey!)
I stole my woman from Indiana Jones.

I stole my woman from Indiana Jones.

 The purple part is fictional while green is the truth. - Maxx Willsohn

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