Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Needleman's Pens

          Hello, my name is Ned Needleman. Today I am selling pens that have run out of ink.  Now at this point you may be asking yourself: “What in the world am I going to do with pens that don’t have ink in them?” Well I’ll tell you. I am a session musician with a specialty of drumming. A long time ago I misplaced my drumsticks and I am much too frugal to by new ones. How did I solve this problem? I solved it by using what you would call “useless pens” and this method has stuck. I now have a large collection, large enough to last me a lifetime. I can’t use them all so I’m selling them at a price of $4.99. Ironic isn’t it? I’m frugal, yet I charge $4.99 for recycled pens. Hey at least I give you two of them for that price; you need two drumsticks to play the drums after all. The pens come in all colors so if you own a red drum kit, have two red pens. If you have a green drum set, have two green pens. You get the idea. I myself have a purple drum kit and do you know what color of pens I use for my purple drums? That’s right: purple. I like being color-coordinated. It is my belief everything should be color-coordinated, even my drumming outfit is purple. Sorry I’m not selling any of those today, but I do have them so I’ll keep you posted. Have a good day!

Ned Needleman.

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