Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Stolen Silver

Many years ago I created a story titled The Stolen Gold. It was an assignment of mine when I was in third grade. It was about leprechauns getting their gold stolen by a scientist and his henchman. It was a short three-page story that was written and illustrated by the creator of this blog (obviously I will have to locate it now but I'll be doing so at my leisure.) I had toyed with the idea of making a sequel titled The Stolen Gold II but decided against it as it would be way too similar to the first one. If you've ever seen the live action version of 101 Dalmatians and it's sequel both with Glen Close you might have an idea of what I'm talking about. I'm now starting to toy with an idea that would kind of be a sequel to The Stolen Gold titled The Stolen Silver. I'll see what happens with this idea; I may just let The Stolen Gold stand alone to just be my first written story; no sequels or anything, it's just it. I'll think about it maybe after I've started and completed Draft Busts. I'll explain what that is later.

Happy Reading! :)

T.L. Altmann

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