Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Seven Generations From Now...

Seven Generations From Now…

Seven generations from now, I hope no one is materialistic.
I wouldn’t want to see people always focused on obtaining “the latest and greatest thing”.

Seven generations from now, I would hope that everyone sees one another as people.
No actual labels other than gender; it would really be more person A and person B. (Of course you can have names.)

Seven generations from now, let’s not have to worry about any disease.
We would live in a more comfortable society.

Seven generations from now, let’s also not have to worry about any types of violence.
No one really wants to live in that kind of a world anyway.

So basically, seven generations from now I would want to see a world without materialism, the majority of its labels, no disease of any type, and possibly the most important, no violence of any type. I don’t think that would be too much to wish for. No better time than the present to start now, so why don’t we and make the world more pleasant.

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