Teddy Quatrains
The only thing I
wish I did on Spring Break
that I did not get
to do
was play with my
oldest computer Ted.
Now who is Ted?
Ted is a 20+
black IBM Thinkpad
He is of use to no
but me.
Why is that?
He has a few
Some can be
considered major
and some can be
considered minor.
Much to my delight
he also doesn’t go
on the internet.
I don’t know if he
ever has,
but at this point
it is immaterial.
What I would like
to do
(And this may just
be one for my imagination.)
is to use good ol’
Ted while working with
a Simply Fit
Now, as I’ve said
I don’t know if
that would work
but I’m currently
using Mr. Ted to type this
whilst breaking my
own rule.
Now what’s this
rule I’m currently breaking?
My own rule about
not using computers on holidays.
Granted Ted was
used on a previous Easter many moons ago
so he might be the
Now granted I said
even if it’s
approaching Easter Night.
Teddy boy’s still
working hard, and for me
that’s a pleasant